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Record 43 of 2212
Akademie X : lessons in art + life. --
709.05 A313
Londres, Inglaterra : Phaidon Press Limited, c2015.
352 p. : il. ; 29 cm.
1. An artist's life manifesto / Marina Abramović. -- 2. Notes for an introductory lecture / Walead Beshty. -- 3. Moonbows do exist / Sanford Biggers. -- 4. Taking to the streets / Dara Birnbaum. -- 5. Self-expression / Carol Bove. -- 6. Conversations with future colleagues / Tania Bruguera. -- 7. New York City scavenger hunt / Mark Dion. -- 8. Love letter from us / Ólafur Elíasson. -- 9. Some thoughts on agency and activity outside of the commercial system / Harrell Fletcher. -- 10. Advice for young artists / Charles Gaines. -- 11. Art school as a psychodrama--a lot of things to think about / Liam Gillick. -- 12. Expanding the terms of reality / Piero Golia. -- 13. Me and Marcuse / Michelle Grabner. -- 14. Art schools at their best and worst / Dan Graham. -- 15. The artist as a link among other links / Katharina Grosse. -- 16. Art school can be ... / Joan Jonas. -- 17. In mid-air / Miranda July. -- 18. Art school / Chris Kraus. -- 19. Paying attention / Thomas Lawson. -- 20. Peaks and valleys / Dinh Q. Lê. -- 21. Through their voices / Won Ju Lim. -- 22. Thirteen notes on film-making / Jonas Mekas. -- 23. Recollections, declarations and ten suggestions / Carrie Moyer. -- 24. Living art / Wangechi Mutu. -- 25. One flew over the puppy mill / Bob Nickas. -- 26. Letters/reminders/lessons / Raqs Media Collective. -- 27. Questions and answers / Neo Rauch. -- 28. Art is not just experience / Tim Rollins. -- 29. Tips for a future generation / Michael Smith. -- 30. Art education--a contradiction in terms / John Stezaker. -- 31. A redactive pedagogy (letter from the field) / Stephanie Syjuco. -- 32. From metaphysics to economics; from multiplicities to negotiations / Shirley Tse. -- 33. In Pittsburgh / James Welling. -- 34. Becoming forward about coming out backwards / Richard Wentworth. -- 35. No plexiglas, no electricity, no humour; or love is colder than death / Christopher Williams. -- 36. Art, design and education / Krzysztof Wodiczko. --
Tomado de la introducción: "Akademie X is an art school without walls. Unrestricted by geography and open to all, it brings together the finest faculty of arts educators from across the globe ... Its tutors have the freedom to instruct and guide according to their individual style, revealing wisdom drawn from their own experiences or setting structured assignments and tasks. They inspire creativity by presenting examples of their work, while their resources lists offer stimulating guidance for self-directed study. Akademie X's educational philosophy is that, above all, students need preparation for professional life--in practical, financial and ideological terms. Here, they can become fully prepared for the real business of being an artist in the fast-changing environment of the contemporary art world."
Tomado de Amazon: "Assembled from the wisdom of 36 legendary art teachers – all of them artists or critics at the top of their field – Akademie X: Lessons in Art + Life is an ideal curriculum for the aspiring artist. Each of the book’s "tutors" has provided a unique lesson that aims to provoke, inspire and stimulate the aspiring artist. These lessons cover some combination of the following: technical advice (e.g. don’t make a sculpture bigger than your studio door), assignments (some of which will take five minutes to complete, others five years), tips for avoiding creative ruts (including suggestions for mind‐expanding materials to read, watch or listen to), principles of careful looking (demonstrated with images of artworks, photographs, films or even billboard advertisements), advice on the daily practice of art (how to balance time alone in the studio with building an artistic community), career pointers (how to prepare for a studio visit from a curator or gallerist) and personal anecdotes (e.g. stories from the instructor’s own humble beginnings). Taken together, these lessons offer the reader a set of tools for thinking, seeing and living as an artist."

Locations & copies:

Ludwig von Mises - See location in Colección General - Item: 525084 - (AVAILABLE)