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1. Aerial photography in anthropological field research
Vogt, Evon Z. (Editor)
Cambridge, Estados Unidos : Harvard University, 1974
778.35 A252

3. Bibliography of the Harvard Chiapas project: the first twenty years 1957-1977.
Vogt, Evon Z. (Autor)
Cambridge, MA, Estados Unidos : Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University. 1978.
016 V886

4. Desarrollo cultural de los Mayas
Ruz Lhuillier, Alberto (Editor)Vogt, Evon Z. (Editor)
[s.l.] : UNAM. Centro de Estudios Mayas, 1971, c1694
972.015 D441

5. Estructuralismo e historia
Gaboriau, Marc (Autor Principal)
Buenos Aires, Argentina : Nueva Visión, 1972
302 E82

6. Ethnology
Vogt, Evon Z (Editor del volúmen)Harrison, Margaret A.L. (Editor General)Wauchope, Robert (Editor General)
Austin, TX, Estados Unidos : University of Texas, c1969
972 H236 v.7 pt. 1

7. Ethnology
Vogt, Evon Z (Editor del volúmen)Harrison, Margaret A.L. (Editor General)Wauchope, Robert (Editor General)
Austin, TX, Estados Unidos : University of Texas, c1969
972 H236 v.8 pt.2

8. Los zinacantecos: un pueblo tzotzil de los Altos de Chiapas.
Vogt, Evon Z. (Editor)
México: Instituto Nacional Indigenista, 1966.
306.0972 C691 v.7

9. Tortillas for the gods : a symbolic analysis of Zinacanteco rituals
Vogt, Evon Z. (Autor)
Cambridge, MA, Estados Unidos : Harvard University, 1976
299.7 V886

10. Zinacantan a Maya community in the highlands of Chiapas
Vogt, Evon Z (Autor)
Cambridge, MA, Estados Unidos : Harvard University, c1969
917.27 V886

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