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1. El archipiélago liberal. --
Kukathas, Chandran (Autor)
Barcelona, España : Ediciones Deusto, c2019.
323.11 K96E

2. Handbook of political theory.--
Gaus, Gerald F. (Editor)Kukathas, Chandran (Coeditor)
Londres, Inglaterra : SAGE, 2004.
320.011 H236

3. Hayek and modern liberalism.
Kukathas, Chandran (Autor Principal)
Oxford, Inglaterra : Clarendon, 1990, c1989
320.011 K96h

4. Immigration and freedom [electronic resource]. --
Kukathas, Chandran (Autor)
Princeton, NJ, Estados Unidos : Princeton University Press, c2019.
304.82 K962 - Digital

5. The liberal archipelago : a theory of diversity and freedom.--
Kukathas, Chandran (Autor)
Oxford, Inglaterra : Oxford University, c2003.
323.11 K96

6. The Moral foundations of market institute.
Gray, John (Autor Principal)
Londres, Inglaterra : IEA Health and Welfare Unit, 1992
174.9339 G779

8. Rawls : a theory of justice and its critics.--
Kukathas, Chandran (Autor)
Stanford, CA : Stanford University, 1990.
320.011 K96

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