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GP 330.156 H431f
WHH 330.156 H431f
GP 142
WHH 142
The failure of the new economics : an analysis of the Keynesian fallacies. --
Imp / Ed.:
Princeton, NJ, Estados Unidos : Van Nostrand ; New Rochelle, NY, Estados Unidos : Arlington House, c1959.
xii, 458 p. ; 22 cm.
I. Introduction. -- 1. Canonization. -- 2. Uses of refutation. -- 3. A path-braking pioneer? -- 4. The general theory. -- II. Postulates of Keynesian economics. -- 1. What is the classical theory of employment? -- 2. Wage-rates and unemployment. -- 3. No general level of wage-rates. -- 4. Non-euclidean economics. -- III. Keynes vs. Say's law. -- 1. Keynes's greatest achievement. -- 2. Ricardo's statement. -- 3. The answer of Haberler. -- 4. To save is to spend. -- IV. Overture. -- 1. Effective demand. -- 2. The propensity to consume. -- 3. Derision of thrift. -- V. Labor units and wage units. -- VI. The role of expectations. -- VII. Statics vs. dynamics. -- VIII. Income, saving, and investment. -- IX. The propensity to consume: I. -- X. The propensity to consume: II. -- XI. The multiplier. -- XII. The marginal efficiency of capital. -- XIII. Expectations and speculation. -- XIV. Liquidity preference. -- XV. The theory of interest. -- XVI. Confusions about capital. -- XVII. Own rates of interest. -- XVIII. The general theory restated. -- XIX. Unemployment and wage-rates. -- XX. Employment, money, and prices. -- XXII. The trade cycle. -- XXIII. Return to mercantilism? -- XXIV. Keynes lets himself go. -- XXV. Did Keynes recant? -- XXVI. Full employment as the goal. -- XXVII. The national income approach. -- XXVIII. The Keynesian policies. -- XXIX. Summary. --
Tomado de la solapa: "When President Nixon proclaimed himself a Keynesian in the middle of his first term, his words struck some like a thunderclap. A Republican President embracing Lord Keynes? Surely the last rampart had fallen... Three years and several Phases later, these observers weren't so sure. Inflation was raging, The dollar was sharply down. Recession -or full-blown depression- loomed. Lord Keynes, it appeared, was really dead... But if President Nixon and his advisors had learned the lessons of this book in 1971, our economy would be healthier today. For in these learned yet lively pages, Henry Hazlitt leaves Keynes prostrate. Chapter by chapter theorem by theorem, Mr. Hazlitt subjects Keynes to the most searching analysis he has ever undergone."
El ejemplar 27337 pertenece a la colección WHH 142.
El ejemplar 538960 pertenece a la colección George Pearson (GP), ubicada en el Bib-108, primer nivel.
La traducción al español de 1961, "Los errores de la ''Nueva ciencia económica'' : un análisis de las falacias Keynesianas", también está disponible en la biblioteca Ludwig von Mises.
La traducción al español del 2021, "Los errores de la nueva economía : crítica a la Teoría General de Keynes", también está disponible en la Biblioteca Ludwig von Mises.
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