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GP 330.157 V945e
Economic policy : thoughts for today and tomorrow. --
Imp / Ed.:
Chicago, IL, Estados Unidos ; South Bend, IN, Estados Unidos : Regnery/Gateway, c1979.
106 p. ; 21 cm.
Foreword by Margit von Mises. -- 1st. Lecture. Capitalism. -- 2nd. Lecture. Socialism. -- 3rd. Lecture. Interventionism. -- 4th Lecture. Inflation. -- 5th Lecture. Foreign investment. -- 6th Lecture. Policies and ideas. --
Tomado de la pasta: "Here is an especially approachable introduction to the basic economic principles of the late Ludwig von Mises. In these six public lectures, Professor Mises discusses many of the most important problems of economic theory and policy, including profit and loss, money and credit, capital and investment, and the theory of price. More importantly, the discussions are never wholly abstract. Mises weaves his analysis right into the very fabric of present day politica problems, using the results of economic thinking to resolve and clarify many of the most burning issues of our age, including: the various directions an economic system may take - capitalism, socialism, or the welfare state - as well as government intervention, inflation, unemployment business cycles, taxation, monopoly, foreign trade, and labor unions." --
El ejemplar 538930 pertenece a la colección George Pearson (GP), ubicada en el Bib-108, primer nivel.

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