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GP 338.5201 K61
Competition and entrepreneurship. --
Imp / Ed.:
Chicago, IL, Estados Unidos : University of Chicago Press, c1973.
246 p. ; 22 cm.
1. Market process versus market equilibrium. -- 2. The entrepreneur. -- 3. Competition and monopoly. -- 4. Selling costs, quality, and competition. -- 5. The long run and the short. -- 6. Competition, welfare, and coordination. --
Tomado de la solapa: "Recent years have witnessed a revival of interest in microeconomic aspects of economic systems. The theory of price has once again become the core of economic analysis. For the most part however, contemporary price theory, deriving from the Aglo-American neoclassical tradition, has continued to be presented within an equilibrium framework. This has not only diverted attention away from the market process toward equilibrium, but has led to the virtual exclusion of the entrepreneurial role from economic theory. Israel M. Kirzner's Competition and Entrepreneurship, an extension of work begun by L. Mises and F. A. Hayek of the "Austrian" school, which stresses verbal logic rather than mathematics, provides at once a thoroughgoing critique of contemporary price theory, an essay on the theory of entrepreneurship, and an essay on the theory of competition. Besides its emphasis on entrepreneurship, the study offers a new appraisal of quality competition, of selling effort, and on the fundamental weaknesses of contemporary welfare economics. Professor Kirzner's book establishes a theory of the market and the price system which differs from orthodox price theory. He sees orthodox price theory as explaining the configuration of prices and quantities that satisfies the conditions for equilibrium."
El ejemplar 538940 pertenece a la colección George Pearson (GP), ubicada en el Bib-108, primer nivel.
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Ludwig von Mises - Ver mapa: Colección General - Tiempo de préstamo: No circula - Item: 39143 - (DISPONIBLE)