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GP 330.157 V945c
A critique of interventionism. --
Imp / Ed.:
New Rochelle, NY, Estados Unidos : Arlington House, c1977.
164 p. ; 23 cm.
Foreword, Margit von Mises. -- Introduction, Hans F. Sennholz. -- Preface. -- Interventionism. -- The hampered market economy. -- Social liberalism. -- Anti-Marxism. -- Theory of price controls. -- The nationalization of credit? --
Tomado de la solapa: When the great Austrian School economist Ludwig von Mises penned the six essays in this never-before-translated volume, he was addressing himself to the theories and policies that animated the social and economic programs of Germany's ill-fated Weimar Republic of the 1920's. But these classic writings are as relevant today as they were half a century ago. The names and places have changed, but the same tired statist notions still hold away. And Mises' incisive criticisms, firmly grounded in immutable economic principles, are still valid... Public and academic interest in the teachings of Mises is growing. A Critique of Interventionism is sure to command major attention The late Ludwig von Mises was the leading exponent of the Austrian School of economics. He wrote a shelf of major books dealing with economic theory and social practice, including the classic Human Action.
En la pasta se lee: "Inquiries into the Economic Policy and the Economic Ideology of the present."
El ejemplar 539007 pertenece a la colección George Pearson (GP), ubicada en el Bib-108, primer nivel.
Título original en alemán: "Kritik des Interventionismus".

Ubicación de copias:

Ludwig von Mises - Ver mapa: Bib-108, primer nivel - Tiempo de préstamo: 15 días - Item: 70669 - (DISPONIBLE)
Ludwig von Mises - Ver mapa: Bib-108, primer nivel - Tiempo de préstamo: No circula - Item: 539007 - (CONSULTA EN SALA)
Ludwig von Mises - Ver mapa: Colección General - Tiempo de préstamo: 15 días - Item: 15131 - (DISPONIBLE)