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GP 330.156 H431
WHH 330.156 H431
GP WHH 141
The critics of Keynesian economics. --
Imp / Ed.:
Princeton, NJ, Estados Unidos : Van Nostrand ; New Rochelle, NY, Estados Unidos : Arlington House, c1960.
x, 427 p. ; 22 cm.
I. Introduction. -- II. Say's law. -- III. Of the influence of consumption on production. -- IV. Mr. Keynes on the causes of unemployment. -- V. Unemployment: and Mr. Keynes's revolution in economic theory. -- VI. Mr. Keynes' general theory. -- VII. The economics of abundance. -- VIII. Liquidity preference and the theory of interest and money. -- IX. Digression on Keynes. -- X. The philosophy of Lord Keynes. -- XI. Beveridge's full employment a free society. -- XII. John Maynard Keynes. -- XIII. The fallacies of Lord Keyne's general theory. -- XIV. Appraisal of Keynesian economics. -- XV. Continental European pre-Keynesianism. -- XVI. Stones into bread, the Keynesian miracle. -- Lord Keynes and Say's law. -- XVII. Lord Keynes and the financial community. -- XVIII. The economics of full employment. -- XIX. The significance of price flexibility. -- XX. Keynes' theory of underemployment equilibrium. -- XXI. The Keynesian mythology. -- XXII. Mr. Keynes and the day of judgment. --
Tomado de la solapa: "For a generation after it appeared in 1936, Lord Keynes's General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money was Holy Writ for most economists. Yet it evoked major criticisms -many of them, however, buried in learned journals. Henry Hazlitt gathered nearly two dozen of them in 1960 fot this important book. Together they coprise the most impressive refutation of Keynes ever assembled in book form."
El ejemplar 27065 pertenece a la colección William H. Hutt (WHH 141).
El ejemplar 538956 pertenece a la colección George Pearson (GP), ubicada en el Bib-108, primer nivel.

Ubicación de copias:

Ludwig von Mises - Ver mapa: Bib-108, primer nivel - Tiempo de préstamo: 15 días - Item: 134 - (DISPONIBLE)
Ludwig von Mises - Ver mapa: Bib-108, primer nivel - Tiempo de préstamo: No circula - Item: 538956 - (CONSULTA EN SALA)
Ludwig von Mises - Ver mapa: Colecciones Especiales - Tiempo de préstamo: No circula - Item: 27065 - (CONSULTA EN SALA)