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GP 323.4401 R845 1982
The ethics of liberty. --
Imp / Ed.:
Atlantic Highlands, NJ, Estados Unidos : Humanities, c1982.
ix, 268 p. ; 24 cm.
I. Introduction: natural law. -- 1. Natural law and reason. -- 2. Natural law as science. -- 3. Natural law versus positive law. -- 4. Natural law and natural rights. -- 5. The task of political philosophy. -- II. A theory of liberty. -- 6. A crusoe social philosophy. -- 7. Interpersonal relations: voluntary exchange. -- 8. Interpersonal relations: ownership and aggression. -- 9. Property and criminality. -- 10. The problem of land theft. -- 11. Land monopoly, past and present. -- 12. Self-defense. -- 13. Punishment and proportionality. -- 14. Children and rights. -- 15. Human rights as property rights. -- 16. Knowledge, true and false. -- 17. Bribery. -- 18. The boycott. -- 19. Property rights and theory of contracts. -- 20. Lifeboat situations. -- 21. The rights of animals. -- III. The state versus liberty. -- 22. The nature of the state. -- 23. The inner contradictions of the state. -- 24. The moral status of relations to the state. -- 25. On relations between states. -- IV. Modern alternative theories of liberty. -- 26. Utilitarian free market economics. -- 27. Isaiah Berlin on negative freedom. -- 28. F. A. Hayek and the concept of coercion. -- 29. Robert Nozick and the immaculate conception of the state. --
Tomado del Prefacio: "All of my work has revolved around the central question of human liberty. For it has been my conviction that, while each discipline has its own autonomy and integrity, in the final analysis all sciences and disciplines of human action are interrelated, and can be integrated into a "science" or discipline of individual liberty... The present work attempts to fill this gap, to set forth a systematic ethical theory of liberty. It is not, however, a work in ethics per se, but only in that subset of ethics devoted to political philosophy. Hence, it does not try to prove or establish the ethics or ontology of natural law, which provide the groundwork for the political theory set forth in this book. Natural law has been ably expounded and defended elsewhere by ethical philosophers. And so the Introduction simply explains the outlines of natural law which animates this work, without attempting a full-scale defense of that theory."
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