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A bounty of Blandings. --
Imp / Ed.:
New York , NY , Estados Unidos W.W. Norton & Company, Inc, 2011 c
656 p. : 24 cm.
Blandings Castle c1935 P.G Wodehouse, c1962 by P.G. Wodehouse - Summer Lightning c1929 by P.G. Wodehouse copyright rewed 1956 by P.G. Wodehouse. - Heavy Weather c1933 by P.G. Wodehouse, copyright renewed 1961 by P.G. Wodehouse. --
Just Enough Jeeves.--
Blanding Castle. - The custody of the Pumpkin - Lord Emsworth Act for the Best - PIG- HOO-O-O- EY! - Company for Gertrude – The Go-Getter - Lord Emsworth and the Girl Friend. -- Summer Lighting. -- Heavy Weather. --
Tomado de la tapa "In this dreamy countryside lies Blandings Castle, seat of the ninth Earl of Emsworth. The apple Berkshire sow who has twice won honors in the Fat Pigs class at the local agricultural show. Besides Keeping his pig in shape, Emsworth must deal with his sister´s unbearable snobbery, his brother’s crazy memoirs, and a rival pig whose bulk might dash the Empress’s hopes of another medal. Throw in a few young lovers and you have yourself a perfect brew of hilarious adventures. Evelyn Waugh once said, “The gardens of Blandings Castle are that original garden from which we are all exiled. All those who know them long to return” And return we shall." --
Bajo el título A bounty of Blandings contiene los siguientes títulos Blandings Castle - Summer Lighting - Heavy Weather. --

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Ludwig von Mises - Ver mapa: Exhibición primer nivel - Tiempo de préstamo: 15 días - Item: 542834 - (EN CATALOGACIÓN)