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Past worlds : The times atlas of archaeology. --
930.10223 P291
New York, NY, Estados Unidos : Crescent Book, 1995, c1988.
319 p. : il. color ; 37 cm.
Introduction. -- 1. Archaeology: understanding the past. -- 2. Human origins 16 million-10,000 BC. – 3. The agricultural revolution 10,000-4,000 BC. -- 4. The first cities and states 4,000- 1,000 BC. – 5. Empires of the old world 1,000 BC- AD 650. – 6. The new world 10,000 BC - AD 1,600. – 7. Towards the modern world AD 650-1,800. -- Acknowledgement. -- Glossary. -- Bibliography. -- Index. --
Tomado de la solapa: "How have men and women lived in the 2,500,000 years of human existence? With what shelter and tools, strategies and rituals did they meet life's dangers and opportunities? Past Worlds is an archaeological reconstruction of the human story, using hundreds of maps, illustrations, photographs and meticulous reconstructions of ancient sites. An international team of leading experts has contributed the latest research to this monumental volume. Using all the techniques available to the modern archaeologist, this atlas unravels the myriad traces left by our ancestors. The only record of countless millennia is in pots and tools, burials and artifacts and ruined buildings. the ingenuity of the scholar in finding and interpreting these remains has fascinated the world since the first archaeologists gazed in awe at the ruins of troy and Pompeii. The atlas examines not only the well-documented classical civilizations of Greece, Rome, Persia, India and China, but also the obscure and mysterious: the tattooed nomads of the Steppes, the pyramid temples of the Yucatán rain forests, the abandoned cities of the Andes, the enigmatic statues of Easter Island. The times Atlas of Archaeology is both an essential reference for the modern science of archaeology and a fascinating revelation of what we have learned about humanity’s past worlds. "

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Ludwig von Mises - See location in Colección General - Item: 540599 - (AVAILABLE)