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Registro 11 de 1790
332.110973 V462f
50 years of treason in 100 acts. --
Variante de título:
Fifty years of treason in one hundred acts.
Imp / Ed.:
Boston, MA, Estados Unidos : Forum Publishing Company, 1965.
32 p. ; 22 cm.
Tomado del contenido: "Prior to 1913, our Date of Infamy, the U.S.A. progressed like no other nation in history, as a Constitutional Republic. The following International Strait-Jacket was strapped on our shoulder as a 1913 Package Deal, and we have been going down-hill since. 1. Federal Reserve Act. - 2. 16th Amendment. - 3. 17th Amendment. - 4. Tax-free foundations. - 5. Int. Foreign Policy replaced Monroe Doctrine. - 6. Anti-Defamation League. - 7. Universal Military Training. - 8. Federal Churches of Christ in America. - 9. National Municipal League." --

Ubicación de copias:

Ludwig von Mises - Ver mapa: Colección General - Tiempo de préstamo: 15 días - Item: 538454 - (DISPONIBLE)