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POP 730.92 C393:I
POP POP 1921
The autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini. --
Imp / Ed.:
Garden City, NY, Estados Unidos : Garden City Publishing Company, c1927.
403 p. : il. ; 21 cm.
Tomado de la nota introductoria: ""All men of whatsoever quality they be, who have done anything of excellence, or which may properly resemble excellence, ought, if they are persons of truth and honesty, to describe their life with their own hands." With these words Benvenuto Cellini begins his autobiography, which today holds a unique place among the autobiographies of the world. The autobiography carries the story of Cellini up to 1562. Regarding his movements thereafter, there is some disagreement. The introductory note in the edition to be found in the Harvard Classics states that the remainder of his life "seems to have been more peaceful. In 1565 he married Piera de Salvadore Parigi, a servant who had nursed him when he was sick; and in the care of his children, as earlier of his sisters and nieces, he showed more tenderness than might have been expected form a a man of his boisterous nature." According to the Encyclopedia Britanninca, he remained unmarried and left no posterity. However, the autobiography is vividly written, and all the more extraordinary in that by far the major portion of it was casually dictated to a boy of fourteen while the author was busy with his work. That it is extravagant at times one must admit; but it is never insincere. Although it is valuable as a document of the age it depicts, its chief interest lies in the record it gives of one of the most remarkable careers in the history of fine art."
Incluye notas al pie de página.
La traducción al español "Mi vida", también se encuentra disponible en la Biblioteca Ludwig von Mises.

Ubicación de copias:

Ludwig von Mises - Ver mapa: Bib-108, primer nivel - Tiempo de préstamo: No circula - Item: 504938 - (CONSULTA EN SALA)