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421 F926
An Introduction to language. --
11 ed.
Imp / Ed.:
Boston, MA, Estados Unidos : Cengage, 2017.
xx, 524 p. : il., 23 c.
Preface. -- About the authors. -- 1. What is language? -- 2. Morphology: the words of language. -- 3. Syntax: infinite use of finite means. -- 4. The meaning of language. -- 5. Phonetics: the sounds of language. -- 6. Phonology: the sound patterns of language. -- 7. Language in society. -- 8. Language change: the syllables of time. -- 9. Language acquisition. -- 10. Language processing and the human brain. -- Glossary. -- Index. --
Tomado del Prefacio: Robert Rodman and Victoria Fromkin published the first edition of An Introduction to Language in 1974. Their goal was to share with students their love of languge and linguistics by presenting complex material in a lighthearted and personal way that included witty quotations. This edition continues in the style and spirit of my friends, colleagues, and co-authors.
Tomado de Highlights of this edition: This edition has been rewritten for improved clarity, conciseness, and currency. It includes new developments in linguistics and related fields that will strengthen its appeal to a wider audience. Much of this information will enable students to gain insight and understanding about linguistic issues and debates appearing in the national media and will help professors and students stay current with important linguistic research. We hope that it may also dispel certain common misconceptions that people have about language and language use. The eleventh edition has been reduced to ten chapters from the original twelve of earlier editions. The chapters on Computer Processing and Human Language and Writing have been eliminated, with some of the material on the history of writing incorporated into Chapter 8 (Language change). This more streamlined edition will enable teachers and students on a quarter system to more fully utilize the material, and for those on the semester system, it allows extra time for the more clallenging chapters such as phonology and syntax. -
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