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Registro 9 de 3878
791.436581 N714
1984. [DVD]. --
Variante de título:
Nineteen eighty four. --
Imp / Ed.:
Santa Mónica, CA, Estados Unidos : MGM, 1994.
1 DVD (Región 1) : color ; 115 min.
Tomado de la caja: "The classic George Orwell story set in a world where absolute conformity in action, word and thought including loyalty to Big Brother is demanded. In 1984, the world is divided into three vast states, whose inhabitants are dominated by all powerful governments. Winston, a worker, starts an illegal love affair with Julia, and becomes the target of a brain-washing campaign to force him to conform." --
Tomado de IMBDb: "After The Atomic War the world is divided into three states. London is a city in Oceania, ruled by a party that has total control over all its citizens. Winston Smith is one of the bureaucrats, rewriting history in one of the departments. One day he commits the crime of falling in love with Julia. They try to escape Big Brother's listening and viewing devices, but, of course, nobody can really escape." --
Apta para mayores de 18 de años (R)
Libro original también disponible en la Biblioteca Ludwig von Mises.
Director: Michael Radford.
Audio en inglés.

Ubicación de copias:

Ludwig von Mises - Ver mapa: Películas - Tiempo de préstamo: 3 días - Item: 300840 - (DISPONIBLE)