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David Hume's Political Economy [electronic resource].
Imp / Ed.:
Londres, Inglaterra : Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, 2005.
1 recurso en línea (393 p.)
Routledge Studies in the History of Economics ; 89
Book Cover; Title; Copyright; Contents; Author Biographies; Introduction; 1. The Scottish Contexts for David Hume's Political-Economic Thinking; 2. The Emergence of David Hume as a Political Economist: A Biographical Sketch; 3. Hume and Super.uous Value (or the Problem with Epictetus' Slippers); 4. Manners and Morals: David Hume on Civility, Commerce, and the Social Construction of Difference; 5. Hume's Framework for a Natural History of the Passions; 6. An Arti.cial Virtue and the Oil of Commerce: A Synthetic View of Hume's Theory of Money; 7. Temporal Dimensions in Hume's Monetary Theory; 8. Fiction or Counterfeit?: David Hume's Interpretations of Paper and Metallic Money; 9. David Hume on Canadian Paper Money; 10. French ''New Politics'' and the Dissemination of David Hume's Political Discourses on the Continent, 1750–70; 11. Hume's Political Discourses and the French Luxury Debate; 12. Constitution and Economy in David Hume's Enlightenment; 13. The ''Rich Country–Poor Country'' Debate Revisited: The Irish Origins and French Reception of the Hume Paradox ; Bibliography of David Hume's Works Cited in this Volume ; Bibliography ; Index;
An impressive selection of contributions discuss and analyze Hume's contribution to economics, making for an indispensable volume.
Descripción basada en la versión impresa de este registro. EBL199415
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Ludwig von Mises - Internet - Tiempo de préstamo: 3 días - Item: 200532 - (EN LÍNEA)