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PV 913.3203 B824
A history of Egyptian archaeology.
Imp / Ed.:
New York, Crowell [1968]
313 p. illus. 22 cm.
Indestructible Egypt.--The genius of Egypt.--Sculpture.--Painting.--Religión.--Literature.--The lost language.An unknown soldier's discovery.--Thomas Young and the Royal Rings.--The genius of Champollion.--History of Egyptian writing.--Early Exploration.--Herodotus:foreign correspondent.--Europeans at the pyramids.--early artists in Egypt.--Belzoni:The Patagonian Samson.--english pioneers.--Order out of Chaos.--Lepsius and classification--Mariette and conservation--Petrie and methodology.--Pyramids.--Houses of eternity--The evolution of the pyramid-The two main fields of pyramids.--From Petrie to Goneim.--Petrie in the Fayum.--Borchadt at Abu Sir.--Reisner at giza.--Goneim and the lost pyramid.--Tombs.--The city of the dead.--Theban thieves.--a cache of forty pharaohs.--the valley of the kings.--viziers, scribes and priests.--Tutankhamon.--The samllest tomb of all--the sixteen steps--the golden throne--a nest of shrines--the mummy of Tutankhamon.--Temple--Karnak:the glory of Thebes--the Luxor columns--the temple of Seti i--The Ramsseum--Medinet Habu--Ptolemaic temples.--Deir el Bahri.--The terraced temple of Hatshepsut--The Egyptian exploration fund--the Metropolitan Expedition--Amarna--The city of the horizon--files of a foreign office--the Nefertiti bust--the Egypt exploration society-reappraisal--Papyri--Cyperus papyrus--ancient trieves and modern hunters--the Great Harris Papyrus--the adventures of Wenamon--the story of Sinuhe--the tale of the Two Brothers--the stroy of the Doomed Prince--Funerary papyrus--medical and surgical papyri--Petrie at Gurob--Grenfell and Hunt--Nubia and the New High Dam--A cultural victory--Nubia:terra incognita--the sacred isle--the fate of Abu Simbel--Egyptian Nubia--Sudanese Nubia-Exodus--
Bibliografía: p. [290]-308.
Corresponde a la colección James Brady.

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Museo Popol Vuh - Museo Popol Vuh - Item: 101716 - (DISPONIBLE)