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21. Information, participation, and choice : an economic theory of democracy in perspective
Grofman, Bernard (Editor)
Ann Arbor, MI, Estados Unidos : University of Michigan, c1993
320.6 G874

22. Introducción a las políticas públicas.--
Lahera Parada, Eugenio
México DF, México : Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2002.
320.6 L183

23. Le regole della finanza : diritto societario e mercato in Italia e in Europa. --
Enriques, Luca (Autor)
Turín, Italia : IBL Libri, 2012.
320.6 E595

24. Madmen, intellectuals, and academic scribblers : the economic engine of political change. --
Leighton, Wayne A., 1965- (Autor)
Stanford, CA, Estados Unidos : Stanford Economics and Finance, an imprint of Stanford University Press, c2012.
320.6 L529 - Digital

25. The Myth of scientific public policy
Formaini, Robert L. (Autor Principal)
New Brunswick, NJ, Estados Unidos : Transaction, 1990
320.6 F723

26. The Myth of the rational voter : why democracies choose bad policies.--
Caplan, Bryan Douglas, 1971-
Princeton, NJ, Estados Unidos : Princeton University, c2006.
320.6 C244

27. The Planner in society : the changing role of a profession
Eversley, David (Autor Principal)
Londres, Inglaterra : Faber and Faber, 1973
320.6 E16

28. La Política pública en el estado moderno.
Kelman, Steven (Autor Principal)
Buenos Aires, Argentina : Grupo Editor Latinoamericano, 1992, c1987
320.6 K29

29. Political economy
Meltzer, Allan H (Autor)
New York, NY, Estados Unidos : Oxford University, c1991
320.6 M528

30. The Political power of bad ideas : networks, institutions, and the global prohibition wave.--
Schrad, Mark Lawrence
New York, NY, Estados Unidos : Oxford University, 2010.
320.6 S377

31. Rethinking public choice. --
Wagner, Richard E. (Autor)
Northampton, MA, Estados Unidos : Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022.
320.6 W132

32. Revolutionary love [electronic resource] : A political manifesto to heal and transform the world. --
Lerner, Michael, 1943- (Autor)
Oakland, CA, Estados Unidos : University of California Press, c2019.
320.6 L616 - Digital

33. Social sciences and modern states : national experiences and theoretical crossroads.--
Wagner, Peter, 1956- (Editor)Weiss, Carol Hirschon (Coeditor)Wittrock, Björn (Coeditor)Wollmann, Hellmut (Coeditor)
New York, NY, Estados Unidos : Cambridge University, 2008, 1991.
320.6 S678

34. Strategies of commitment and other essays.--
Schelling, Thomas C., 1921-
Cambridge, MA, Estados Unidos. : Harvard University, 2006.
320.6 S322

35. Strategy : a history. --
Freedman, Lawrence (Autor)
New York, NY, Estados Unidos : Oxford University Press, 2013.
320.6 F852

36. Toward liberty : the idea that is changing the world : 25 years of public policy from the Cato Institute
Boaz, David 1953- (Editor)
Washington, DC, Estados Unidos : Cato Institute, c2002
320.6 T737

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